X-15 #670

Flight No. 10

Subject of Test: Maximum altitude flight; additional stability and control data.

Airplane Configuration: Basic X-15

Engine Identification: XLR-11 (2 engines)

Launch: M=0.82, h=45,000 ft., SAS 4,4,8 at Silver Lake on magnetic heading of 243°.

  1. After launch, light 8 chambers and perform 8° a climb to 60,000 feet (min. V=260 knots).

2. Accelerate in level flight at 60,000 ft. At M = 1.9 perform 1.5g pullup and maintain until a = 20° or until maximum stabilizer deflection is reached. (Maximum average angle of attack will probably be 18°).

3. Maintain max. stabilizer or 20°a until burnout.

4. At burnout, reduce a to 0°. (Maximum altitude should be approximately 133,000 feet with a minimum q of approximately 10 psf).

5. Maintain a = 0° during remainder of ascent and during entry to 110,000 ft.

6. At 110,000 ft., rotate to a = 10° and maintain until recovery at approximately 57,000 ft. (qmax » 650 psf).

7. The maneuver to be performed during the power off deceleration will depend upon the data results from proposed flights 8 and 9.

8. Vector to high key for landing maneuver. Jettison residual propellants when subsonic.

9. Landing: SAS 4,4,8; approach speed 300 knots; jettison ventral; flaps and gear down.

10. Before APU shutdown, cycle controls, retract flaps and set stabilizer trim to zero.

NOTES: The X-15 ground control officer will transmit radar altitude and Mach number to the X-15 pilot during the climb and entry.

Duration of flight » 10 minutes.

Requirements for emergency landing lake sites remain the same as for flight #7 (5/12/60).

Figure 1 indicates the Mach number - altitude profile for this flight. Figure 2 indicates the altitude - range profile.